Thursday, June 13, 2013

Displaying Images Taken from Titanium Mobile showCamera Method

While the api documentation for the Ti.Media.showCamera method does a pretty good job in demonstrating how to call the camera application, it does not show how the use or display the image that was captured by the camera. So after spending some time with it, I was able to come up with this solution to display my image.

First, I created a wrapper that will contain my picture:

1:  var imageWrapper = Ti.UI.createView({  
2:       backgroundColor : 'red',  
3:       width : '300dp',  
4:       height : '385dp',  
5:       top : '65dp'  
6:  });  
7:  win.add(imageWrapper);  

Then, on the success callback of the CameraOptionsType, I created an image view that will contain the image data from the native camera application:

1:  var image =;   
2:  tempImage = Ti.UI.createImageView({  
3:   image : image,  
4:   width : '385dp',  
5:   height : '300dp'  
6:  });  

From what I have observed, the images taken on the android device are not properly oriented (maybe its the same on ios), so I rotate the images before adding them on the wrapper I prepared earlier:

1:  var rotation = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix({ rotate : -270 });  
2:  tempImage.transform = rotation;  
3:  imageWrapper.add(tempImage);  

To test the whole application, get the full source code here

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