Thursday, June 13, 2013

Camera Overlays for Titanium Mobile Android

To add overlays to the Titanium Mobile camera screen, you need to set the overlay property of your CameraOptionsType:

1:  Titanium.Media.showCamera({  
2:   success : function(e) {},  
3:   error : function(e) {},  
4:   cancel : function(e) {},  
5:   overlay : Ti.UI.createView({  
6:    backgroundImage : '/crosshair.png',  
7:    width : '200dp',  
8:    height : '200dp'  
9:   })  
10:  })  

While that step looks simple enough, you might still encounter some unexpected errors like this: (Unable to find explicit activity class... TiCameraActivity)

From the error, we can see that the activity class for TiCameraActivity was not defined in the Android manifest. Normally, that entry is supposed to be added automatically to the generated manifest file but what happened here is that its missing. This happened because I am using a custom manifest file. I created the custom manifest before I added the camera code which is why the camera activity definition is missing from the manifest. To fix this, simply add the code to your custom manifest file in between the <application></application> tags:

1:  <activity   
2:            android:name=""  
3:            android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation"  
4:            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" />  

Also note that while this fixes the crash problem, you will also face another weird problem with the overlay on android:
You can see that the overlay's orientation is converted to landscape, even though the image I used is in portrait mode. But since that problem is simple enough to solve, I'll just leave it as is..

You can get the source code for this application in here

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