Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Access Cache file on Universal Image Loader

Sometimes, when using the Universal Image Loader library, there comes a time where the loader takes a while to verify whether the remote image has been already loaded in your cache. To load the cache file directly, you can use the following method to check whether a local copy of the remote file has already been made:

 File file = imageLoader.getDiscCache().get(url);  
 if (!file.exists()) {  
      DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()  
      imageLoader.displayImage(url, imageView, options);  
 else {  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. did you find any efficiency difference with normal loading of image using UIL and the above your implementation , here efficiency means "speed of loading image" and "lag while scrolling " any other from your side
